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[14105] ビザが取れる仕事あり

投稿者:Jiyaさん  E-MAIL
We are looking for workers on the carrot farm
If you are interested, please contact me!

Crops : Carrot
Task : Packing
Hourly wage : $24.8 per hour + overpay
Working hours : Guaranteed at least 40 hours

* Uniqueness
1) This is a packing room all the year round
2) If you work over 38hours you can get overpay
3) You can get a Second visa or a third visa. COVID visa as well

We will help you get a visa and make money and we have lots of farm's jobs so feel free to ask.
If you can't speak English well It's alright You can call with a Japanese

LINE ID : junelov9463
2021/01/21(Thu) 20:20:37 [編集/削除]