[2145] Massage therapist needed NEW!
投稿者:Massage therapist neededさん
Massage therapist needed
Fremantle & South Fremantleのマッサージ店でセラピストを募集しています。
時給は40〜50ドル 。(資格に応じて変動します)
それに加えて11.5% のスーパーアニュシエーションをお渡しします。
興味のあるかたはお電話お待ちしています!: 0466096626
Or email: livingmassageclinic@gmail.com
Massage shops located at Fremantle and South Fremantle are looking for staff. Close to bus stop and train station.
Our shop has been open in Perth for 12 years, the working environment is very friendly. It’s busy. Our customers are mostly local people, We offer a competitive hourly rate based on skill and experience. On average you may earn 200 dollars a day. The salary is commission based ranging from $40-50/hr, plus 11.5% superannuation.
Currently we are looking for more staff with good attitude and can work hard, Call me: 0466096626
Or email: livingmassageclinic@gmail.com
2025/03/08(Sat) 13:09:11 [編集/削除]