[17240] Looking for renting a house or apartment for three girls
Hi all, me&my sister and my friend three of us we're looking for renting an apartment or house(which has three rooms) together!!!
We're from Japan and Korea and we're all very tidy and responsible also we’re all student so we’re looking for a long term rental.
Please contact to this number if there's any informations or knows anyone who knows anything about it. We're all ready to move anytime and also we can all afford to pay rent property.
私、私の妹、私の友達(korean girl)3人で、借りれるアパートメントを探しています。私達みんなとても清潔で、レントもボンドもちゃんと払えるのと、すぐにでもmove inできます。
2023/07/24(Mon) 17:32:18 [編集/削除]