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[16653] ASAP! Looking for a room to stay! $180~$220

投稿者:Nさん  E-MAIL
City のTafe に通ってる20代の女性です。
City の近く又は、何駅か離れててもいいのでsharehouseか何かroom rental を急募で探しています。

何か情報がありましたら、422310515 に連絡お願いします。

Hi, I've been looking for a room to stay around the city or few train station away from the city.
I'm early of 20th from Japan who study at TAFE college and work as a Part time.
Please text me if you have any informations about share room to my number (422310515)

Thank you
2022/07/31(Sun) 16:16:12 [編集/削除]